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Portal da Transparência Covid-19
COVID Portal
MPF recommendation
COVID Portal
MPAC, TCEAC Recommendation
COVID Portal
MPAC, TCEAC Recommendation
COVID Portal
MPF, MPAC, TCEAC Recommendation
COVID Portal
MPF, MPAC, TCEAC Recommendation

Municipal Legislation (Covid-19)
Check out in the link all the decrees with measures to prevent and combat the new coronavirus (covid-19) published so far
Waiver of Municipal Bids (Covid-19)
Check the link for all the waiver processes for dealing with the public health emergency of international importance
Legislation and bids or waivers specific Covid-19
All legislation and bids or waivers,specific to COVID-19, are listed below. Use the filters to locate the desired data, whether bidding or legislation, just go to publications and mark BIDDING or LEGISLATION and apply the other filters, if necessary. In the specific case of bids, accessing the purchase (bids or waiver) by clicking on the process, and then in the process folder, you will see the Notices, Public Notice/TR and Contract in full or the waiver process, Remembering that some processes can be for prompt payment and delivery, they do not have a contract number, according to article 62, paragraph §4º of federal law 8.666/93., but there will be an equivalent number (eg note commitment, purchase process).

The Cruzeiro do Sul City Hall, through the Health Department, referred 5 Sentinel Units for the care of people with flu-like symptoms.
The health posts are located in the districts of Alumínio, Miritizal, 25 de Agosto, Aeroporto Velho and Cohab.
People should only look for these units if they have flu symptoms, and the other UBS will be responsible for the other diseases.
The actions are aimed at helping to face the coronavirus.
Services are available from 7 am to 7 pm.
When leaving the house remember the use of the mask (mandatory), in addition to taking gel alcohol or 70 %.